By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Runtz called the Tues Dec 13 2022 McBride Council to order at 7:00pm. Councillor Diane Smith attended through Zoom.

Municipal Participation in the Regional Land Use Planning Services for 2023-2026

Council authorized Mayor Runtz and CAO/CO Tupy to execute the Regional Land Use Planning Services – Participation Agreement, which will cover the period between January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026. 

Entering into a Participation Agreement allows McBride:

1. Full participation voting privileges for the Village of McBride Director on all land use matters

that come before the Regional District Board;

2. Upon request, land use planning advice and assistance from the Regional District’s

professional planning staff; and

3. Upon request, land use planning consultation contract services; at cost, by the Regional


McBride Tourism Committee Appointments

Council appointed the following to the McBride Tourism Committee: 

“¢ Jill and/or Stewart Philpott (1 voting member) – Accommodation Sector 

“¢ Gina Gallacher – McBride Chamber of Commerce 

“¢ Dannielle Alan – McBride Visitor Centre 

“¢ Allan Frederick – Tourism Sector at Large   

School District #57 Education Advisory Committee 

Council moved to rescind Resolution IM051107.22 appointing Councillor Smith as delegate to the School District #57 Education Advisory Committee. CAO Tupy explained that after discussion with the school board, it came out that the committee doesn’t exist therefore, no representative is needed. Council voted to remove the School District #57 Education Advisory Committee from the list of Council Committees  

Visitor Information Centre Agreement Extension

Council approved the extension of the Visitor Information Centre Operations Agreement between the Village of McBride and the McBride & District Chamber of Commerce until December 31, 2023. Council also approved a 2023 General Operating Budget baseline increase of $2,000 (from $13,000 to $15,000) to the Visitor Information Center Agreement.

Council also approved a letter confirming the McBride & District Chamber of Commerce as the Sponsor Organization and sole provider of community visitor services in the Village of McBride  

BC Hydro Community ReGreening program

Council directed staff to submit an application to the BC Hydro Community ReGreening program for $7,500 towards a project that will see deciduous, ornamental trees planted in municipal parks in McBride and at the cemetery.

BC Air Access Program (BCAAP)  

Council moved to support an application to the BC Air Access funding program for the McBride Charlie Leake Airfield Runway and Airside Rehabilitation Project, estimated at $345,301, and agrees to fund the municipal portion of the project up to $86,325, cover any cost overruns and support overall grant management.

TransCanada YellowHead Highway Association Membership. 

Council confirmed the Village of McBride’s continued membership in the Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway Association; and further, Council re-confirms the appointment of Councillor Kolida to the Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway Association Board of Directors as resolved at the November 7th 2022 Inaugural Council Meeting.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Fees at Steve Kolida Park Council approved the per kWh h used pricing model, charging drivers for the energy consumed, not for the length of time the car is plugged in, and desired fee of .21/kWh to initially charge drivers for charging their EV’s at the Charge North Village of McBride EV Charging Station. Council also directed staff to bring a revenue and expense analysis of this charging station back to Council after six (6) months of use, to assess if changes are required to be made to the pricing model and desired fee.  

20th Annual BC Natural Resources Forum Attendance

Administration is seeking confirmation of attendance to the BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George, BC, January 17-19, 2023.  Mayor Runtz, Councillors Joe Kolida and Councillor Pete Caputo confirmed attendance.

Elected Officials Seminar 

Administration is requesting Council to review their schedules and provide confirmation of attendance to the Elected Officials Seminar – Local Government Leadership Academy in Prince George on March 15 – 17, 2023 by the Jan 10th regular council meeting. Mayor Runtz, Councillors Kolida, Councillor Caputo, and Councillor Glen Frear confirmed. Councillor Smith will confirm before Jan 10.

2023 Council of Forest Industries Convention – April 12-14, 2023 

Administration is seeking confirmation of attendance to the COFI 2023 Convention in Prince George, BC, April 12-14, 2023. 

North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) AGM & Convention – May 9-12, 2023.

Administration is requesting Council to review their schedules and provide confirmation of attendance to the NCLGA AGM & Conference in Dawson Creek on May 9-12, 2023 at the January 10, 2023 Regular Council meeting. All members of council confirmed their attendance.

Council approved a traffic sign change from yield to stop sign at the corner of Kolida Street and 1st Ave. It has been noted that there have been several near misses at this intersection as people tend to not heed the current yield sign. Council also approved installing a four-way stop on the corner of Dominion Street and 2nd ave. The decision was made after council discussed the option between that, and switching the current stop signs onto 2nd Ave instead of their current position on Dominion. The hope for this second decision is to slow traffic down as they approach Main street as well as the high school.

Council moved to proceed to an In-Camera Council Meeting for consideration of matters of the Community Charter related to Section 90 (1): (c) Labour Relations or other employee relations; and (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.