Village of Valemount British Columbia new employees

By Andrea Arnold

April 26, 2022 Valemount Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Torgerson.

The following items were bought out of the in-camera portion of the meeting held on April 12, 2022.

Reporting out of In-Camera Items 6.1 & 6.2

IC Res #33/22

THAT the amended “Agreement to Expand the Roles and Purposes of the Valemount Community Forest Company and the Valemount Industrial Park Company” be approved by Council. CARRIED. Deputy Corporate Officer Carleena Shepherd explained that the agreement is to make slight amendments to the purpose of each company in their respective Articles of Incorporation. The village did not provide further clarification to the amendments.

IC Res #34/22

THAT staff be directed to sign the following with respect to the Valemount Senior Citizens Housing Society mortgage for 1300 Main Street:

1.”Landlord Consent, Notice and Acknowledgement”; and,

2.”Landlord Estoppel Certificate and Acknowledgement of Notice” CARRIED. DCO Shepherd said that as the landlord of the property, the village needs to give approval for financial processes related to the property. The details of the financial translation remain confidential.

Grad 2022 acknowledgement 

Council passed the motion requesting that the display of individual grad banners on the light poles along 5th Ave, as

 well as the “Congratulations VSS graduates banner across the main entrance sign on 5th Ave be hung. Council also approved the use of public works staff and equipment to hang and remove the banners.

Support of Simpcw for Community to Community Forum

Council approved that a letter be submitted to the Simpcw First Nation in support of their application to host the next Community to Community Forum.

Lift Station

Council received a report regarding the Dogwood/East area street lift station procurement process, explaining the best value procurement process. Urban Systems is managing the projects and requested the Village use this approach that looks at factors other than price, such as quality and expertise when selecting vendors or contractors. 

Canada Day celebration funds request

Councillor Pearson excused himself for the discussion as a member of the organization making the next request. Council approved staff to request $1200 from the Valemount Tourism Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for assistance with Canada Day Celebrations.

Bear Cub Soccer insurance fee

Council approved the payment of the 2022 insurance fees for Valemount Bear Cub Soccer, in the amount of $200, be paid from the Community Use Agreement Fund.


Council gave the Village of Valemount Tax Rate Bylaw No 859, 2022 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading.

Council gave the Village of Valemount Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 857, 2022 be given third reading. At the March 22 meeting a comment was received requesting clarification on the Water Treatment Plant Loan – Remaining Balance. The amount of $95.11 had been entered incorrectly and should have read $379,812.85. This change has been made prior to the request for third reading.

In Camera

Council moved to an in-camera meeting for the consideration of three items per Section 90 (1) of the Community Charter to discuss matters related to (c) labour relations or other employee relations (two items), and (I) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.