By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Gene Runtz called the August 24, 2021 McBride council meeting to order at 7:02pm. Councillors Frederick, Green, Hruby and Smith, four village employees and three members of the public were in attendance.

Bung Bung Sled Event
Matt Elliott was present to answer any questions regarding the temporary street closure application for the Bung Bung event November 26-27, 2021. Elliott agreed that the group will remain fluid in their plans as the COVID regulations may change, which could require adaptations. The current plan is to proceed with the outdoor portion of the event, Show ‘n Shine as well as a Turcotte Compound Freestyle show.

Comment from Public
Sandra Salt, CFO & DCO for the Village of McBride read out a letter of concern from resident Phyllis Sivecki stating her concerns regarding the fence and hopper installation application for 333, 345 and 355 Main Street. She listed concerns regarding the height of the fence, possible rodent issues, dust from the hoppers, smell and possible fire hazards. Also she wondered how this business fit into the beautification plans for the community.

Northern Health Meeting
Council asked administration to prepare a list of healthcare topics for discussion with Northern Health during the Northern Health Community Stakeholder meeting on September 13, 2021 at 2:05 pm. Councillors Smith, Green, Frederick and Hruby all plan on attending. The topics they would like to discuss are physician retention, pharmacy relocation, and ambulance service.

Development permit given go-ahead
Council approved development permit 2021-04, to only install a 10-foot-high board and batten fence at the front of 333, 345 and 355 Main Street, a screening fence not less than 6.5-feet but no more than 10-feet in height at the rear of the three properties, and a shipping container for storage, for the properties legally described as Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 10 Plan PGP1373, District Lot 5316, Cariboo Land District.

CFO/DCO sworn in
Council appointed Sandra Salt as the Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Corporate Officer for the Corporation of the Village of McBride retroactive to May 2021, and authorized CAO/CO Chris Tupy to administer the oath of office to Sandra Salt for these positions.

Village owned building to be inspected
Councillor Frederick requested a motion regarding the empty CREDA building at 964 2nd Ave currently owned by the Village. He made the motion to have the building inspected so they can move forward with the sale of it in the near future. Council approved the motion.

Support for sledding community
Council passed a motion to submit a letter to the MBCSA confirming their support for the two UBCM resolutions that are being sponsored by the District of Sicamous citing the importance of recreational opportunities in the Robson Valley.

BC Assessment meeting topics
Council passed the motion to direct administration regarding the topic or topics they wish to discuss with BC Assessment on September 10, 2021 at 8:00am. The topics Council picked are: How are Air BnB’s assessed? As well as a clarification regarding categories of assessment.

Letter to Shirley Bond
Council directed administration to write a response letter to Shirley Bond regarding UBCM 2021 convention containing the following feedback: “that as always we really appreciate her support and be assured we will be sending her office our appointment list as soon as it is finalized.”

Uneven sidewalk removal
Council agreed to cover â…” of the cost to remove and replace the raised sidewalk of 211 Main Street, if the owner agrees to pay for â…” of the final cost. The motion was passed with a vote of 4-1 with Councillor Smith opposed.
Further, council directed administration to enter into an agreement with the owner if they agree to cover their portion of the total cost.

Communicable Disease Prevention Policy
Council passed the motion to adopt the Village of McBride Communicable Disease Prevention Policy, OHS-02 as presented.

Bung Bung street closure requests
Council passed the motion approving a temporary street closure for Holdway Street from 1st-2nd Avenues from November 26-27, 2021, 4:00pm-2:00am for the Bung Bung Show and Shine event. Also, they approved the request to also close 1st Ave from King St to Lonsdale on November 26 from 4:00pm-10:00pm for the Turcotte Compound Freestyle show. In a friendly amendment, main street from 1st-2nd Ave was added to the temporary closure request.

Council moved to proceed to an In-camera Council meeting for consideration of matters per Section 0- (1) of the Community Charter related to: (c) labour relations or other employee relations, (d) the security of the property of the municipality, and; (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.