By Laura Keil

The Province has returned to a “take-out-only” mandate for restaurants, bars, pubs and other liquor or food establishments in BC starting tonight at midnight (12:00am March 30th) due to soaring COVID-19 cases in the province. The order will be in effect for three weeks. Outdoor patios are exempted.

“We know that the idea of more restrictions is not welcome news,” said Premier John Horgan. “But we are asking people to rise to the challenge with the confidence that vaccines mean better days are ahead. We are not out of the woods yet, but the provincial health officer’s orders, combined with our vaccines, give us the tools we need to move out of this pandemic together.”

New and amended orders and guidelines are in effect through April 19, 2021, and include:

* For restaurants, bars and pubs, all food and liquor-serving premises must only provide take-out or delivery service. Dine-in service is prohibited, except for outdoor patios. People dining on patios should do so with their immediate household or core bubble.

* Indoor, adult group fitness activities of any kind are also paused. Gyms and fitness centres are restricted to individual or one-on-one activities.

* The previously announced allowance for limited indoor worship services has been suspended. Outdoor worship services under the current variance may continue.

* Travel continues to be limited to essential travel, work or medical reasons only. For those who have travelled outside their health region, if you or anyone in your family develops any signs of illness, you must stay home from work, school or daycare, and arrange to get tested immediately.

* Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort is closed through to April 19, 2021, to address and prevent community spread related to non-essential travel.

* All workers are strongly encouraged to work from home, where possible.

* Public health guidance for schools has also been amended to support and encourage students down to Grade 4 to wear masks while at school.

To learn about amended and existing provincewide restrictions, visit:”