By Laura Keil

8:45 UPDATE: BC Hydro’s transmission manager said the crews expect to be in a position to try and re-energize the line sometime in the next hour. “Hopefully there aren’t any more trouble spots along the line and the power will hold,” Jen Walker-Larsen said.

A power outage caused by a transmission circuit failure that occurred around 3:50pm today is affecting thousands of customers between Kamloops and Dome Creek.

BC Hydro Communications person Jen Walker-Larsen said they are looking into it now.

The communities of” Heffley Creek, Barriere, Clearwater, Vavenby, Avola, Blue River, Bone Creek Terminal, and Valemount surrounding areas are all out. McBride’s generators have reportedly kicked in and are supplying back-up power.

“It looks like it is definitely the transmission line,” she said. “We are getting crews out to start patrols to identify the problem.”

As of 5pm, there was not yet an estimate as to when power would return.