By Laura Keil

McBride’s grads will have a different ceremony this year in light of COVID-19 restrictions, but school staff and the community are working hard to ensure it’s still special.

Acting Principal Kairyn Janecke says each grad is able to bring two guests, which leaves room for 5 staff for the 50-person gathering limit. However, the extended family of grads can still follow along via livestream. The link to the livestream will be available only to guests of grads, though, not the general public.

Instead, the public is invited to wish grads well in a Saturday afternoon parade at 3:30pm, organized by students and families.

Following that will be the grad ceremony, awards ceremony and dinner. The ceremony and dinner will follow socialdistancing guidelines and dinner will be served by staff rather than the usual buffet.”  Other special touches this year include a congratulatory banner on the Village arch and grad portraits mounted in the bank (with a contest for the public to identify the grads).

“We’re doing as much as we can within the guidelines,” Janecke said.

She said they are very grateful for all the people who have supported the grads over the years

“We’re sorry we can’t do the usual but we’re in unusual times.”

McBride is lucky it can have a grad at all – most schools in Province can’t due to the size of the grad class.

“This is a moment where small is beautiful.”