By Andru McCracken

UNBC’s Faculty Association has further upped the stakes in their negotiations with the university’s administration, claiming the university has been bargaining in bad faith. The short term implication is that students will return to school, while the dispute rages.

The university has cancelled exams for the September semester to extend the amount of instructional time.

Classes will now run until Friday, December 13, 2019.

The Faculty Association has made a complaint to the Labour Relations Board (LRB) that their employer was bargaining in bad faith.

“It might take a considerable time for the LRB to consider our application and allow us to return to collective
bargaining. Considering that fact along with the reality that our students’ semester hangs in the balance, the

UNBC FA has decided to suspend picketing […] so that the semester can continue.

University president Daniel Weeks said he was happy to see students return to class.

“The University community will do all we can to welcome students back to our campuses and support them as they finish this semester,” said Weeks. “As for the FA’s decision to file an unfair labour practice, the Employer understands that it is the prerogative of the Faculty Association to file this claim. The Employer will present our position to the Labour Board.”