by Andru McCracken

The Regional District of Fraser Fort George (RDFFG) is currently hiring for a part time administrative position in the Robson Valley to help with planning, community services and economic development.

“[These areas] are all experiencing increased interest and workload associated with Valley client service,” said Renee McCloskey, communications person for the RDFFG.

McCloskey said the benefits will be new administrative and clerical support for the arenas and building inspector, a better way to provide information to the public and the new staffer will be able to assist locals throughout application processes.

She said much of the administrative work has been done from Prince George but there are already 15 regional district staff in the valley.

“This new position will bring additional administrative capacity to the staff, operations and residents in the area,” she said.McCloskey said one of the Regional District’s Strategic Priorities is economic diversification.

“One of the Regional District’s Strategic Priorities is economic diversification which speaks to us being a catalyst to opportunities to enhance the economic prosperity of the region,” she said. “Of course, there is also great benefit in the creation of new employment in the Valley.

“McCloskey said that the new hire would be expected to work in both communities.

The union position will pay $28 per hour.The budget for the position is about $52,000 per year and is funded out of the Community Services and Development Services budget.