By Goat Staff with files from RDFFG

The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George has released a plan for the $4.2M it received from the Province last March for infrastructure spending.

“This funding will go a long way in helping us maintain and improve the infrastructure we have, enhancing the livability of our rural communities within the Fraser-Fort George region,” says RDFFG Chair Art Kaehn.

The Regional District has determined four categories of projects and initiatives to be funded through the Northern Capital and Planning Grant.
“¢ Planning: investments in projects like assessments of rural community sewer disposal services, well protection planning for drinking water facilities, a Broadband Connectivity strategy and evaluating alternative renewable energy sources for Regional District facilities. ($400,000 allocated)
“¢ Existing Infrastructure Improvements: investments in Regional District properties like recreation centres, community halls and regional parks and support for climate change mitigation investment such as electric car charging stations and enhancing waste reduction services ($1,495,000 allocated)
“¢ New Infrastructure: supporting public safety services including a 9-1-1 back up dispatch/data storage centre and broadband connectivity for firehalls. ($657,550 allocated)
“¢ Asset Management: assisting the Regional District in closing the gap on its long-term asset management obligations, focusing on small and rural community facilities and services such as firehalls, recreation centres, community halls and utility services. ($1,695,000 allocated)

“This funding is integral for us to move forward on key projects and initiatives that might not have been possible without it,” says RDFFG Vice Chair Lara Beckett.
The Village of Valemount and the Village of McBride received funding from the same pot last spring – $2.88M for Valemount and $2.39M for McBride.