Soon, organizations that have applied for CBT funding will hear their financial fate.
The Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) had its local input session on Mar. 7.
The night started with members of the public educating themselves on individual projects, and asking questions to those involved.
Shortly after, each local non-profit organization made two- to three-minute presentations to the CBT Adjudication Committee and the public in order to having funding requests considered. Both the public and committee rank on the projects which are then given final approval by Council.
This year’s committee is made up of Rita Rewerts, Melanie Chitty, Councillor Hollie Blanchette, Bill Kruisselbrink, Arnold Wied, Mike Johnson and Rashmi Narayan.
Early indications show, as illustrated by the attached chart, that the public and committee votes came together to name the top projects.
In ranking order, VARDA, the Valemount Public Library, the Yellowhead Outdoor Recreation Assocation, Robson Valley Spay and Neuter Society, Village of Valemount, Valemount Ambulance Association, Valemount Entertainment Society, Canoe Valley Community Association, Valemount Marina Association and the Valemount Learning Centre rounded out the top 10 projects.
The committee will soon make recommendations to Council regarding which projects receive funding, with the total amount of 2017 CBT funding to Valemount totaling $366,000.
Nineteen projects applied for funding, with a combined funding request of $694,853.
The Community Initiatives Program is CBT’s oldest funding program, and provides grants to each community in the Basin each year, based on a per capita funding formula.
The program is designed to incorporate community-based funding decisions to better meet local priorities. The Affected Areas Program provides extra funding for communities most affected by dam construction under the Columbia River Treaty, including Valemount and other communities around the Kinbasket, Arrow, Duncan and Koocanusa reservoirs.