Chipped windshields cost substantially less to fix than it would to replace an entire windshield. ICBC’s new program acknowledges the notion. / EVAN MATTHEWS

RMG News, editor

“Our glass repair guy will be right over to take a look at the six chips in your windshield, I should have a quote for you in about 10 minutes.”

Yes, you read that right. Six chips in the windshield.

This was the news my service advisor passed along. I was in Grande Prairie, so I took the time to stop at the Dodge dealership to deal with the windshield I can barely see out of.

I’m like my father, and his father before him. I don’t like to spend money on things I have no control over. I get so frustrated.

When the service advisor came back with my $100 quote, I was surprised it wasn’t more, so I took him up on it. But, my windshield still isn’t perfect. It just won’t get any worse. I’m fine with that for the time being.

Starting this spring, ICBC has said its customers who purchase optional comprehensive coverage will be able to have a chip in their windshield repaired for free, as long as it is safe and appropriate to do so.

It makes sense that ICBC would unveil a program to improve value and service for customers in need of windshield repair. But, to me, it’s unbelievable it didn’t already exist.

Maybe I should have waited”¦

The rationale behind ICBC’s ” and ultimately, the Province’s ” new program kind of ticks me off.

“This program shows ICBC is listening to feedback from its customers and business partners,” said, Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “Windshield repairs cost significantly less than replacements, which will help ICBC reduce its material damage costs while improving service for more than 2.5 million customers across the province.”

This is how it sounds to me. “We’re going to improve your life by getting rid of these ridiculous charges we initially introduced. You’re welcome!” ” Evan Matthews, editor

Or does it actually show you’ve been ignoring your customers and gouging them for years? Is this being made to seem like the government just came up with a fantastic idea?

B.C. equates to “Bring Cash.” I’ve heard the joke so many times.

But it’s not a joke. Starting with MSP premiums and extending into vehicle coverage, among other things, the B.C. Government looks to garner as much from the taxpayer as they can.

I’m not saying the Province isn’t doing a good job of governing, but I don’t think they’re naÔ¯ve to the financial burdens they place upon the tax base.

Curiously, MSP premiums are on the chopping block during this election cycle, while at the same time ICBC has heard our concerns!

This is how it sounds to me. “We’re going to improve your life by getting rid of these ridiculous charges we initially introduced. You’re welcome!”
I’m pumped about the new program, and about the potential of cutting MSP premiums.

But let’s not pretend it wasn’t the same government who introduced the premiums and gouging residents via ICBC for years.