While Junior Canadian Rangers are available, Scouts are not, and one local woman is looking to change that.

The age range for Junior Canadian Rangers is 12-18-years-old.

Ashley Dyck is a 31-year-old mother of three, with kids aged three-, six-, and 10-years-old.

“My kids couldn’t decide what sports they wanted to do,” says Dyck.

“I thought it would be cool if there was a group that taught (younger) kids about survival, and other life lessons,” she says.

While Dyck says she’s not sure of the steps to take in order to get a Scout Troop here in Valemount, she looking to gauge the public’s interest.

Having more activities and life skills being taught to youth, according to Dyck, would benefit the town in a major way.

“I know when I was a kid here there were more choices,” she says. “I remember Beavers, Scouts, Girl Guides and Rangers. I would totally help out.”

The Junior Canadian Rangers, though different than Scouts, teach many similar skills, according to a few of the people involved.

At least a few other people have expressed interest in volunteering to help, based on Facebook discussion.