I don’t know how many other people are fed up with Telus internet, but I imagine there are a few.

The ultra-slow speed we receive is bad enough, but this week I received an email from Telus informing me I had just about used up my allotted monthly data, and would be charged extra if I exceeded it.

I couldn’t believe it. I only use one Laptop and two cellphones. I do standard emails and Facebook. What would happen if I were a gamer?

I am pretty sure Telus knows what an average user would use in data. I imagine they can easily lower the bar so as to collect their extra bounty.

I pay upwards of $76.00 per month. Service in Edmonton is advertised at $50.00 for internet and Telus TV. What’s wrong with this picture? Price gouging!

Taking advantage of us because they are the only provider. Telus”¦ The prettiest ads on TV and the worst service.

Bob Hoskins
Valemount, B.C.

2 thoughts on “Telus taking unfair advantage”

  1. As somebody considering moving to Valemount from the city I’ve been shocked by the lack of wired internet just outside of town, and the slow connection available in town.

  2. Telus would rather pay carbon tax than lower your prices. They are all about profit. Telus has removed several thousand well paying call center jobs from Canadians over the past decade. These jobs are now overseas costing them much less in wages. They are at it again now – trimming Canadian wages and jobs with their latest contract offers. I am sorry, but they will squeeze every cent they can from you. I’m an employee who is becoming ashamed of working for them. They give us a monthly target now of billing for whatever we can find when we do service calls to our customers. Again, I apologize for how you are being treated by my employer. They are the epitome of corporate greed and hypocrisy.

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