Former Corporate Officer for the Village of Valemount, Mark Brennan, is suing the Village, and Mayor Jeannette Townsend.

Brennan confirmed he was dismissed by the Village in mid-July, which he says constituted a wrongful dismissal, and he subsequently filed a Notice of Claim against the Village, and Townsend, in the amount of $47,000.

By dismissing him, Brennan says he’s lost at least $25,000 in salary, and in turn, he is suing for punitive and aggravated damages.

“I was dismissed with very little reason, other than being told I was unsuitable for the position,” says Brennan. “It’s absolutely absurd.

“I’m not only qualified, I’m over qualified for the position,” he says.

Brennan’s claim calls the Village’s actions toward him “callous and cavalier,” and that his “dismissal was unanticipated and lacked procedural fairness.”

The claim goes on to say the reasons for his dismissal are, “deliberately fabricated”¦ there is an absence of good faith”¦ and the motivations for the dismissal were personal and/ or not in the Village’s best interest.”

Mayor Townsend responded to The Goat via email.

“Mr. Brennan’s employment with the Village came to an end on July. 18, 2016,” the” email reads.

“The matter is now before the courts, so the Village will not be commenting any further other than to say it complied with all statutory and procedural fairness requirements with respect to the matter,” she says.

The Village hired Brennan on Apr. 18, which he says puts the end of his three-month probation on July. 18.

“I was dismissed a day after my probation ended,” says Brennan. “Although (the Village) thought I was within my probation.”

Upon Brennan’s departure, the Village of Valemount sent out a press release on July 26 saying Brennan’s employment with the Village ended on July 13.

However, in the Village’s legal reply to Brennan’s Notice of Claim, it says “the claimant (Brennan) gave the Village cause to terminate him when he threatened legal action on July 18,” meaning Brennan gave cause for termination after he had already been dismissed.

However, Brennan isn’t wavering in his sentiment, saying he even issued a warning to the Village.

“When they first told me they would be terminating me, I told them this result in legal action,” says Brennan. “I warned them. I asked them not to do this.”

The Village’s reply to Brennan’s claim denies the allegations against both the Village and the mayor.

The Village’s reply to the claim also notes the incorrect usage of Mayor Townsend’s first name.

There is no timeline for any sort of legal resolution between the two parties, according to Brennan.

When asked about a timeline for a resolution, the Village did not respond by press time.

“The Village is making no attempt to negotiate,” says Brennan. “I’m open to negotiations. They’re making no movement.”