Preliminary student enrolment numbers this year show most of the student populations in Robson Valley schools are holding steady.

School District 57’s Superintendent of Schools, Marilyn Marquis-Forster, says the district doesn’t expect final numbers to come in until after Sept. 30.

By the numbers, Valemount Elementary currently has 133 students, while Valemount Secondary has 84, according to Marquis-Forster.

Last year at this time, it was reported that Valemount Elementary had 139 students, while Valemount Secondary had 72 students.

Currently registered for the 2016-17 school year, McBride Centennial has 87 students, and there are 70 students at McBride Secondary.

“The numbers aren’t that different from our projections,” says Marquis- Forster.

The Rocky Mountain Goat did not report McBride’s enrolment numbers from last school year.

Student populations aren’t the only aspect to classrooms that will wait until after Sept. 30 to become official.

“After school organization meetings happen we’ll now how many split classes we’re looking at,” says Marquis-Forster. “They happen at the end of this week.”

Multi-grade classrooms are often a reality in smaller schools, according to Marquis-Forster, and it’s often an optimal learning environment for students.