Valley local from way back, Linda Anne Smith writes from personal experience of post-covent life, but stops short of calling her new novel, Terrifying Freedom, autobigraphical.  The book can be purchased in local stores, and on Indigo and Amazon. / EVAN MATTHEWS
Valley local from way back, Linda Anne Smith writes from personal experience of post-covent life, but stops short of calling her new novel, Terrifying Freedom, autobigraphical. The book can be purchased in local stores, and on Indigo and Amazon. / EVAN MATTHEWS


A woman who spent 30 years as a nun, but lived in the Robson Valley during her formative years, has come home to promote the first book in her career as a writer.

Spending Friday in McBride, Saturday in Valemount and with Prince George as her upcoming Tuesday destination, Linda Anne Smith, the author of Terrifying Freedom, said it’s good to be home.

“I’ve been connecting with people from my childhood, and making new friends too,” said Smith. “A woman just came by and said she might use the book for her book club.”

Smith, who spent her teenage years in living in both McBride and Dunster, said Terrifying Freedom tells the story of Rebecca, an ex-nun, now a cold and distant woman from the Midwest.

Rebecca works as an insurance broker, and as other characters enter her life, we’re brought back to Rebecca’s time spent in a convent as a nun, according to Smith.

Smith said the book revolves around how Rebecca’s life comes full circle by the story’s conclusion.

When Smith was asked if the book came from her own experience, she said it’s a common question. She answered by saying some of the book is inspired by her real-life experience, but it’s not autobiographical in any way.

“I entered the convent ” I was there for 30 years, and left several years ago,” said Smith. “That’s kind of where the book comes from.”

Smith said those interested can purchase Terrifying Freedom on Indigo or Amazon as a paperback or an e-book, or visit the book’s website at