About 50 people in Valemount and McBride ” walked a mile in her shoes” to raise awareness of the importance of preventing and reducing violence against women on Wed. April 13 and Thurs April 14th, as part of the “Prevention of Violence Against Women Week.” Every woman, youth and child has the right to live free of violence. According to Peter Doukakis, Acting Executive Director of Robson Valley Support Society, there are 16 programs currently running in Valemount, McBride and throughout the Robson Valley. These programs include support for young girls, students, single moms, seniors, parents and anyone else who may need help. One of the programs, supported by Donalda Beeson is “Respectful Relationships,” where staff members deliver a unique program to High School students in Valemount and McBride. According to Beeson, “the program is unique in that it addresses prevention rather than the aftermath of violence. The program works with youth to help them understand their identity, the value, and benefits of respecting all relationships in their lives. Social justice based, the ultimate goal is to produce young adults that think critically and for themselves, about the world around them, especially at a time in their development when they are navigating relationships.”