Sunday September 9th dawned warm and sunny, a perfect day for a picnic!

Over 60 adults and children came out to say thanks and show their appreciation for the local Emergency Services, an event organized by the McBride Chamber of Commerce and the EV Free Church. The McBride Volunteer Fire Department, Search and Rescue, the Ambulance Service, the McBride Hospital, and the RCMP were honoured.

Special thanks went out to the families of the first responders for their sacrifices as their loved one is called out to help those in need and to undergo the training needed.
Photos: Chris Parker.

Above: At the McBride First Responders Picnic Officer Brady challenged the children to tug of war… he lost! In this case it was the kids who got their man!

Right: from farthest to closest Barry Walline, Corp. Barry Kennedy, Bill Arnold enjoying the spread at the First Responder Picnic

Below: Travis Wall receives a certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the volunteer Fire Department from Chamber of Commerce member Bill Arnold