The Valemount Elementary School put on a rocking good show on Thurs. Dec 14th at the Valemount Secondary School theatre.

Acts included classes playing ukelele, recorder, and kazoo, dry- land synchronized swimming, and a neon light show using glow sticks. The show was recorded by VCTV and will air daily over the coming weeks on on Channel 7 or Channel 653 on Bell & Telus Satellite at: 8 am, 12 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm, and 10 pm. Due to
copyright restrictions, this video will not be posted to VCTV’s YouTube Channel. /PHOTOS LAURA KEIL

Violet and Keslin strum their ukelele’s while others, like Kiyah, play the xylophone.
Olivia shares a message with Kylie during the show. /LAURA KEIL
Carter reached for the stars during the finale of the landlocked synchronized swimming routine. /LAURA KEIL
Ivy leads her classmates in a synchronised arm move. /LAURA KEIL
Students at Valemount Elementary put on the first Christmas concert since the beginning of COVID-19 last week. /LAURA KEIL