By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Torgerson called the June 28, 2022 Valemount Council meeting to order. Councillor Gee was absent for the meeting.

Tent rent waive request

Councillor Blanchette removed herself for discussion regarding a request from Valemount Public Library as that is her employer. Council approved the request from the library to have the rent rental fees be waived for the children’s event at their site on July 14, 2022, subject to the required damage deposit in the amount of $400.

Accounts payable”  ”  ”  ”  ” 

Council received the accounts payable report for May 2022. The report stated that all expenses for May 2022 are within the current budget.

Annual Report

Council received the 2021 Annual Report. This year’s report follows a similar format as last year’s report and covers all requirements as per the Community Charter S. 98 (2). The report covers information about the village, the staff, completed projects, strategic priorities: communications, community health, fiscal responsibility and land use planning and development support, and finances.

Statement of Financial Information

Council received the Statement of Financial Information (SOFI). This report contains the consolidated annual statement of financial information that must be made available for public viewing by June 30 and remain accessible for three years. It includes expenses paid over $75,000 and grants and accounts paid over $25,000. Village employees who made more than $75,000 in 2021 include former CAO Wayne Robinson, Public Works employees Garnet Janum and Trevor Pelletier, Economic Development Officer Silvio Gislimberti, and Director of Finance Lori McNee.

Lift station grant money application

Council directed staff to apply to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), Canada Community Building Fund BC (CCBF) Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF), Capital Infrastructure Stream for a maximum of $6,000,000, to fund the Valemount Lift Station. Further, Council moved to support the project for the proposed activities and that the Village will provide overall grant management. 

Canada Day dance expenses

Councillor Blanchette, recused herself prior to this motion, as she is on the Chamber board. Council approved waiving the Community Hall rental fees, in the amount of $225.00 plus tax for the Valemount & Area Chamber of Commerce Canada Day Dance to be held on July 1, 2022, subject to payment of the $250 damage deposit by June 29, and payment of the custodial fee of $100 plus tax. 

Grant application

Council directed staff to apply to the BC Healthy Communities (BCHC) Age-Friendly BC program and to provide overall grant management.

Public Comment

Rashmi Narayan spoke briefly to thank the staff for the last minute addition to the agenda regarding the BC Healthy Communities Age Friendly BC Programs grant application.

The meeting was adjourned with no in-camera portion.