By Laura Keil
Valemount-area paramedics are challenging other local first responders this holiday season to a light-up contest called “Light the Night.”
“I don’t think BCAS has had lights on the station for years,” said Chris Arthur, a Valemount paramedic. “Working in the EMS services you find you want something a bit cheerier.”
Last week, working in a nighttime “heist,” paramedics at the Valemount ambulance station #533 pinned a printed challenge on the doors of other emergency services, such as the RCMP station, Valemount Health Centre and Fire Hall.
Arthur chuckled imagining the “heist” from the vantage of police security footage.
The challenge is to create the best decorated outdoor light display during the weeks leading into the holidays.
“We know everyone is really busy,” he said. But he notes the light-up display can take place over many weeks. There is no prize at the end, just friendly competition.
It also brings a little light into an industry that has been squeezed hard by the pandemic.
“When the nurses saw this, they got really excited,” Arthur said.