To Mayor and Council, Village of Valemount

In reflecting on the recent (Oct 6) special council meeting to discuss Policy 81 and changes to company articles, it seems that if these changes are adopted, requests for letters of interest to serve on the board of VCF & VIP should give a clearer job description, such as:
“¢ volunteer position – no pay or benefits
“¢ must have significant relative experience in business: forestry focus preferred
“¢ must be able to commit to time requirements for meetings etc.
“¢ must put company goals ahead of personal or other interests
“¢ must sign a confidentiality agreement and acknowledge receipt of conflict of interest guidelines
“¢ no severance on removal from the board other than the usual retirement package of a wooden plaque and a case of PTSD

At the time of another board member’s termination we asked council for a written commitment to set out procedure if termination is being considered, including:
“¢ responsibility of Village for full disclosure and discussion of the reasons for proposed termination
“¢ reasonable notice (At least equal to employees of any company in BC)
“¢ opportunity for director to change his/her conduct to better serve the company

The Village Council in office at that time agreed to do that, but did not follow through.

There is a long history of forest operations in this area that until the VCF was formed was controlled by outside interests. This resulted in loss of quota, shipping out of high quality logs, profits going to owners who were far away, and eventually to the loss of our large local mill and the employment it provided. Continuity in management, company goals, and direction is a necessity to rebuild and expand our manufacturing and secondary manufacturing in the area.

The board has stated clearly that the measures contained in Policy 81 would have a drastic effect on the operation of the companies. Is it not your responsibility as owner to use the expertise and commitment they provide to find a solution to these issues that ensures continued integrity of purpose? After all they did agree to work under the above conditions

Yours truly,
Gordon Carson
Vice President VCF, VIP