By Laura Keil
The Village of Valemount’s new Official Community Plan sketches out the priorities, goals and visions when it comes to using land and improving the community over the next decade and beyond. In Part 3 of our coverage, we examine the OCP’s implementation recommendations and timelines.
Goat Disclaimer: For the sake of brevity, we have only included those items with a timeline of “immediate” or “short.” To read about the longer-term items, as well as the entire OCP, visit valemount.ca and click on the link inside OCP press release.
IMMEDIATE These projects should be commenced within the 6-months to 1 year after adoption of this OCP.
SHORT These projects should be commenced within 1-3 years after adoption of this OCP.
MEDIUM These projects should be commenced within 2-5 years after adoption of this OCP.
LONG These projects should be commenced within 5-10+ years after adoption of this OCP.
The OCP says the following targets and measurable goals will guide the Village during its implementation of the OCP. “While the Village does not have direct influence on these goals, the Village can enable and promote conditions for which these goals can be reached.”
The targets are:
a) 100 new permanent residents by 2026
b) Average of 2% annual population growth by 2031
c) 5% of the employment lands developed by 2031
d) Increase the percentage of attached housing types from 12% to 15%
e) Infill a minimum of 1 vacant lot in the RN-1 area each year
f) Add 20,000 sq. ft. of commercial space to the Core Village Centre by 2031
g) Add 25 new residential units in the Core Village Centre by 2031
The OCP states that Village will monitor the OCP implementation targets every two years and report to Council and the public on the progress towards the targets. The entire OCP should be reviewed no later than five years from the date of adoption (2026) to ensure the goals, policy directions, processes, and actions reflect current growth forecasts, market trends, overall community values, and the Village’s financial capacity. During the coming years, the OCP says Village Administration will be guided by the goals, policies, and implementation targets identified in the OCP in making recommendations to Council. The policies of this OCP will be further refined and implemented through the preparation, adoption, and implementation of local plans, master plans, and the Zoning Bylaw.