By Goat Staff with files from BC Gov

The Province of BC is doubling down on those who would flout new rules on masks in public settings, warning those violating the rules can be fined $230.

“We’ve entered a second wave of COVID-19 in British Columbia and additional steps need to be taken to protect our health,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General on Nov 24th. “Now more than ever, we all need to follow the guidelines of the PHO.

Last week, the PHO provided guidance that masks should be worn in all indoor public places. The new provincial order under the EPA will allow enforcement of” the” mask mandate as recommended by the PHO.

Masks are now required to be worn by all British Columbians, 12 years and older, in most indoor public settings. These include:

* malls, shopping centres, coffee shops, and retail and grocery stores;

* liquor and drug stores;

* airports, city halls, libraries, community and recreation centres;

* restaurants, pubs and bars;

* places of public worship;

* on public transportation, in a taxi or ride-sharing vehicle;

* common areas of office buildings, court houses, hospitals and hotels;

* common areas of sport and fitness centres when not engaged in physical activity; and

* common areas of post-secondary institutions and non-profit organizations.

A press release says Emergency Management BC anticipates issuing further orders to enforce” requirements for” masks” in common areas of apartment buildings, condos and workplaces. This first order covers the high-traffic public settings where people who do not know each other often interact.

For the purposes of the order, a mask” or face covering is defined as a medical or non-medical” mask” that covers the nose and mouth. Face shields are not a substitute for a” mask, as there is an opening below the mouth.

Masks” are not recommended for children under the age of two, but should be encouraged for children aged two to 12 in public settings. Children over 12 must wear a” mask” in a public indoor space, unless they are exempt.


People who cannot wear a” mask” or who cannot put on or remove a” mask” without the assistance of others are exempt. A person may not be able to wear a” mask” for a psychological, behavioural or health condition, or due to a physical, cognitive or mental impairment.

Masks” may be removed temporarily in indoor public places to identify the individual wearing the” mask, to consume food or beverage at a location designated for this purpose, while participating in a sport or fitness activity in a sport facility or while receiving a personal or health service that requires the” mask” to be removed.

“Education is key, which is why we’re having businesses review their plans and getting the word out to communities in several languages,” Farnworth said. “Businesses should provide signage on the mandatory” mask” policy and inform customers about the requirement. Of course, despite any range of efforts, some people will break the rules knowing full well what they’re doing. These measures give police and other” enforcement” officials the tools to intervene with and penalize problematic individuals and groups.”


A press release from the Province says anyone without a mask” in an indoor public place or who refuses to comply with the direction of an” enforcement” officer, including the direction to leave the space, or who responds with abusive or belligerent behaviour, may be subject to a $230 fine.

The Province says if violation tickets do not act as a deterrent, or in cases of particularly egregious contraventions or for repeat offenders, police can recommend charges in relation to the offence.

The measures took effect Nov. 24th under the provincial state of emergency, using the extraordinary powers of the EPA in ongoing support of B.C.’s COVID-19 response.

To report non-emergency contraventions of this” mask” order, people are asked to contact their local government’s bylaw office. Local bylaw officers can help follow-up on concerns and engage police departments and WorkSafe BC as necessary. If they are unable to reach a local bylaw office, they can contact their local police department’s non-emergency line. Police may be called if someone has become threatening or abusive in response to a request to put on a” mask.

Quick Facts:

* Between Aug. 21 and Nov. 20, 2020, 59 violation tickets were issued, including 25 $2,300 tickets to owners or organizers contravening the PHO’s order on gatherings and events; nine $2,300 violation tickets for contravention of the PHO Food and Liquor Serving Premises Order; and 25 $230 tickets issued to individuals who refuse to comply with direction from law enforcement.

* Violation tickets expand the Province’s compliance and” enforcement” toolkit to support the COVID-19 response. Police and other provincial compliance and” enforcement officers will independently exercise discretion to issue tickets for EPA order violations under the Offence Act’s Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation.The low-down on B.C.’s mask enforcement measures

* Since the pandemic began, police agencies in BC have issued 64 violation tickets to individuals in contravention of the Federal Quarantine Act, totalling $70,000.