By Laura Keil
On Monday June 8th, the Goat celebrated 10 years since its first edition. Since that date, we have published 497 editions.

The highs have been many – holding that first edition in our hands on June 8th, 2010 and feeling like the world was our oyster. Major scoops, putting into print talented writers and photographers, and being there for the community when they’ve needed us. The lows have been many as well – losing talented staff, mistakes slipping through, working at my computer so long I lose feeling in my fingers.
Birthdays are strange that way. They force you to look back and see what it all amounts to. And for me it’s difficult to summarize. I feel humility. And groundedness. I no longer expect dramatic twists of fate, one way or another. I feel proud that we’ve been able to eke out an existence while many newspapers are folding. I’m eternally grateful to all the amazing and committed advertisers we’ve had over the years and to all the readers who make that choice to buy a paper each week to support local stories and local journalism.
I wanted to have an open house for our 10-year anniversary, but with COVID-19 restrictions we’re going to hold off. That said, know that our doors – and pages – are open to you.