by Andru McCracken

RMG file photo” Valemount Dec. 7th

Prince George is playing host to the 2nd North Central BC Clean Air Forum on June 4 and 5. The forum will bring together air quality managers, policy makers, small and midsize communities and more.

The theme is “Community Tools for Change” and focuses on what communities can do to address air quality issues with policy, education, technology and lessons from other jurisdictions, organizers say.

“This forum will provide an opportunity for meaningful discussion around air quality issues” unique to small and mid-sized communities in BC, and to explore different ways to address” emerging air quality challenges,” says Terry Robert, Executive Director of PGAIR.

For those doubtful that progress can be made on an issue as difficult as air quality,”  Danielle Patterson, the program coordinator for PGAIR, said there is hope.

PGAIR has substantially improved air quality in Prince George over the last 10 years they have been operational. How they made those gains will be part of the forum.

“Air quality has improved a lot in Prince George,” said Patterson, “We’re excited the report will be coming out.”

Among the speakers will be Mayor Taylor Bachrach of Smithers. Bachrach, who grew up in Dunster, will talk about his community’s wood stove regulations.