At a Special Council Meeting on Mar. 6, Valemount Council accepted another tax rate increase.

The tax rate increase is a total of four per cent, which the Village attributes two per cent for Cost of Living Adjustment and two per cent will go to reserves for future replacements or major maintenance projects, according to CAO Adam Davey.

“Building a reserve/contingency for future replacements and major maintenance (projects) will prevent significant increases at a future date when major purchases and upkeep is required,” says Davey via email, calling the tax raise a “prudent course of action.”

When asked where exactly residents would see the four per cent increase, Davey replied via email, “on their tax bills ” to be included in the municipal charge.”

The public will have a chance to express concerns or opinions any time up until the fourth reading of the Bylaw, according to Davey.

The Village will host an open house on Apr. 4 at 7 PM in the Council chambers, for members of the public to come and review information pertaining to the five-year financial plan and budget.

When asked when the fourth and final reading of the Bylaw would be scheduled, the Village did not respond by presstime.

The tax raise was presented in a special meeting of Council due to “time constraints”, according to the Village.