The Valemount Historic Society is taking steps to access a new funding pot.
The B.C. Liberal Government is launching a funding program to celebrate B.C.’s communities and their contributions to our nation, as part of Canada’s 150th birthday celebration.
The funding program will see the B.C. Government invest $8-million into museums and heritage sites throughout the province.
At the Jan. 24 Council Meeting, Valemount Council approved the Valemount Historic Society’s (VHS) request to apply for a grant to the new program, called British Columbia | Canada 150: Celebrating B.C. Communities and their Contributions to Canada, for the purpose of restorations to the Valemount Museum.
A Village report referencing the grant application reads: “The grant will propose replacement of shingles, window casements and siding. Estimated cost will be approximately $50,000, but more research is required prior to the grant submission.
“Mayor, Council and Village staff have worked to create a good working-relationship with the Historic Society, which included an increase in the 2016 budget for maintenance and upkeep.It was also approved that any funding the museum did not use, could be carried forward to the next year’s budget. Therefore, $4,300 will be carried forward to 2017, and can be used towards the matching 20 per cent contribution for this grant,” the report states.
The Goat asked the McBride and District Museum and Library if the organization had any intent of applying to the new funding pot, but they did not provide comment by presstime.
Though The Goat contacted the museums and libraries, heritage sites are eligible for funding too, and the B.C. government is encouraging citizens to choose a heritage site and apply.
The grants will assist with developing infrastructure, meaning projects improving or developing new museum spaces and facilities.
The grants also assist projects conserving historic places and heritage sites, meaning projects that preserve, rehabilitate and restore formally registered, designated or recognized historic places.
Lastly, the grants are also intended to build lasting legacies, according to the B.C. Government, meaning projects that physically represent B.C.’s unique and diverse histories, culture and heritage.
The Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, Peter Fassbender, says this is an opportunity to celebrate B.C., and Canada’s, rich heritage.
“Arts, culture and heritage are at the core of British Columbia’s cultural identity,” Fassbender says.
The program application deadline is February 10, 2017. Contact B.C. Museum Association’s program officer at [email protected] or 250-356-5700.