For some, alternative healing can be a bit of a hoax, but for others, it’s a fine line.

Sho-Tai is an alternative healing modality analyzing those fine lines in the most literal sense.

Sho-Tai is known for a combination of various techniques and methods that involve reading the eyes, tongue and teeth. Different lines and colours on these body areas correspond directly to organs, glands or mechanical parts of the body.

“Muscle testing”, also known as Kinesiology, is utilized, too.

My own health issues, mainly thyroid and adrenal fatigue, have dramatically improved since following the Sho-Tai recommendations.

I was a Registered Nurse, for over 25 years, and have been studying and practicing various alternative modalities, such as Orthobionomy, Touch for Health, A Touch Beyond, etc., since the 1990’s.

But nothing has quite compared.

I discovered Sho-Tai just over a year ago and began studying it, along with having personal health assessments by its creator, Terry Bell.

At 25-years-old, Bell began his health trek (the name of his business is now Health Trek). Bell had multiple health issues at the time, and through his studies and practice is now in his 60s.

Besides maintaining his clinic, in Selkirk, Manitoba, he travels coast-to-coast, aiding people to recover greater health. As Terry says, “your health is your wealth.”

Bell began with courses in Electric Acupuncture, muscle testing, and other forms of testing.

In examining people’s eyes (Iridology), he noted corresponding markings and colourations on the tongue and teeth.

After extensive visual examinations, he established a definite link among the tongue, teeth and eye testing.

This testing is now known as Sho-Tai.

Muscle testing is a non-invasive technique utilized to determine the electrical current flowing throughout a person’s body. By assessing the level of the body’s current through various organs, it can be determined where the body is not functioning at optimal capacity. The weakest organs and glands, in addition to the most damaged organs and glands, are able to be determined based on this testing.

The foods negatively affecting the body are also determined.

There are two main causes of illness, Bell says, an excess or deficiency.

An excess of something, he describes, as being poor nutrition, like a cow eating meat.

A deficiency is an absence of a mineral or a vitamin in the body.

There is more and more evidence being brought forward annually through science and medicine to suggest that we are all unique, so that a food which aids one person to flourish, may truly be harmful to another based on our ancestry, genes and other causal factors throughout our lifetime.

Based on these assessments, herbs are recommended to aid the body in healing.

Bell recommends people try such a protocol for a ‘season’, or three months.

Sho-Tai has lovely muscle release techniques, which help the physical body come into a more balanced alignment.

Evan Dougherty is a class two, Sho-Tai Health Practitioner.

He has studied and worked alongside Bell for several years, traveling from coast-to-coast, helping hundreds of people with their health and nutrition.

Now, Dougherty is establishing his own ‘road-show’, and he’ll be making a stop in McBride, at the end of October.

He will then return every three months to reassess people’s progress.

If you would like more information, you may find Sho-Tai on the Internet or feel free to call me, Kelly McNaughton at 250-968- 4400.