Valemount Glacier Destinations’ (VGD) resort continues to push ahead.
The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George adopted VGD’s rezoning amendments and finished its Official Community Plan amendment at the Sept. 15 meeting.
“The adoption of Valemount Glacier Zoning Bylaw No. 2998 establishes zoning regulations that will regulate the use of land, buildings and structures for the VGD resort area located on Crown land, west of Valemount,” says Kenna Jonkman, manager of development services for RDFFG.

Simpcw Chief, Nathan Matthew (middle), signs the Impact and Benefit Agreement with VGD, Oberto Oberti (right) signed for VGD.
The adoption of the Zoning Bylaw completes the regional district’s land use amendment processes needed to develop the project, according to Jonkman.
Now that the province has made its decision and the regional district has completed rezoning, Tomasso Oberti, the resort’s designer, says the players have to sign a Master Development Agreement with Licence over the Controlled Recreation Area.
On Monday, the Simpcw signed the Impact and Benefit Agreement with VGD, which is a requirement for the Master Development Agreement.
The agreement was signed at the VGD Welcome Dinner, hosted by the Valemount Ski Society.