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Robson Valley Regional RCMP Police Report, supplied

“¢ On May 3rd McBride RCMP received a complaint of a wounded deer. Officers attended, confirmed the deer had grievous injuries, and were forced to put the animal down.

“¢ On May 3rd McBride RCMP received a complaint of a grizzly bear near a McBride farm. Officers found that the bear had yet to display any aggressive behaviour and as such a Conservation Officer was notified of the situation for follow-up.

“¢ On May 3rd McBride RCMP forwarded a criminal charge to Crown Counsel recommending that a McBride resident face charges of Breaching Probation for not signing in at the McBride RCMP detachment as per a weekly court agreement.

“¢ On May 3rd Valemount RCMP conducted a traffic stop of a male from Alberta for impaired driving, arrested the driver, and located 43 steroid pills within the vehicle. The driver was later found not to be impaired and the steroids were seized for destruction.

“¢ On May 4th McBride RCMP received a complaint to check on the well-being of a McBride resident. The resident was found alive and well and simply did not advise her family of a change in travel plans.

“¢ On May 4th Valemount RCMP responded to a complaint of a male who had punched a trailer in the Valemount area. Officers attended and found that all parties were calm and that the incident was a result of a verbal disagreement between parties. No criminal charges were forwarded.

“¢ On May 5th Valemount RCMP responded to a complaint from an off-duty RCMP officer advising of an argument in Valemount and a possible impaired driver. Officers attended and found a female who had locked herself in her truck due to an incorrect A&W order. The situation was de-escalated and nothing criminal was apparent.

“¢ On May 5th Valemount RCMP received a complaint of a dangerous driver on Highway 5 west of Valemount. A Valemount officer conducted exhaustive queries but did not locate the vehicle.

“¢ On May 6th Valemount RCMP received a complaint of a two-vehicle motor vehicle incident near the Jasper Park boundary. A lack of independent witnesses resulted in no violation tickets being issued. There were no injuries.

“¢ On May 6th Valemount RCMP responded to a complaint of an aggressive dog within Valemount. Officers attended and aided the dog owner with preventative measures and ensured the safety of residents in the area.

“¢ On May 6th Valemount RCMP were conducting traffic enforcement near the Swift Current Bridge when they stopped a driver for speeding. An impaired driving investigation was initiated and as a result the driver was issued an immediate driving prohibition and the vehicle was towed for three days.

“¢ On May 7th Valemount RCMP responded to a complaint of a suspicious 911 call. Officers attended the originating address in Valemount and determined the call to be accidental.

“¢ On May 8th McBride RCMP received a complaint of a suspicious abandoned vehicle near McBride. Officers attended and found that nothing was awry. On May 10th a McBride RCMP officer was conducting traffic enforcement on Highway 5 near Tete Jaune and located a rental vehicle travelling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was seen passing in an unsafe manner and was caught on radar at 164 km/h in a 100km/h zone. The driver was issued violation tickets and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.

“¢ On May 10th a McBride RCMP officer stopped an Alberta female at a road check on Highway 5 at Tete Jaune. The officer smelled marihuana and the female was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. The officer then searched the vehicle and seized a small amount of marihuana, a pill of ecstasy and a small amount of cocaine. Charges are not being forwarded.

“¢ On May 11th a McBride RCMP officer conducted a stop of a vehicle speeding on Highway 16 near McBride. The officer then smelled marihuana in the car and arrested the two occupants for possession of a controlled substance. Both bud marihuana and marihuana oil were found in the vehicle and were seized. The two occupants were later released from custody to appear in Provincial Court in McBride on August 5th, 2016 for charges related to possession of controlled substances.

“¢ On May 13th a McBride RCMP officer was patrolling Highway 5 near Tete Jaune and stopped a speeding vehicle. The driver was found to be prohibited from driving under the Motor Vehicle Act and he was under the influence of alcohol. An Immediate Roadside Suspension was issued after a failed breath test. The driver was released on an Appearance Notice with a Court date of August 4th in Valemount for driving while prohibited. The driver was also found to have warrants for his arrest entered out of Kelowna, for which he was issued Promises to Appear in Provincial Court in Kelowna. Also, a Valemount officer attended to assist and found that one of the two passengers was breaching conditions of a Peace Bond. The passenger was also released on a Promise to Appear in Provincial Court in Valemount on August 4th.

“¢ On May 14th a McBride RCMP officer stopped a speeding vehicle on Highway 16 near Tete Jaune. The officer smelled marihuana and arrested the driver and three passengers. The officer searched the vehicle and occupants and seized marihuana and magic mushrooms. The driver was determined to be the person in possession of the controlled substances and was later released on a Promise to Appear in Provincial Court in Valemount on August 4th.

“¢ On May 14th the Valemount RCMP received a 911 call from occupants of a local hotel. An officer attended and found that two male friends had gotten into an argument over who was to pay a bar tab. Both males had been drinking. No assault had taken place and the officer assisted the males in a calm resolution.

“¢ On May 14th the McBride RCMP was notified of a Break and Enter to a residence on Highway 16 West of McBride. The resident had gone out for several hours and came home to find the residence broken into and a number of items stolen including a green 1999 Ford pickup. The investigation continues and the McBride RCMP are seeking assistance from the public. Anyone having knowledge of the crime can call the McBride RCMP directly or Crimestoppers.