bird, dove, bird count
Eurasian Collared Dove was one of the birds spotted last year. Photo: Biill Arnold
Submitted by Elsie Stanley

McBride’s Twenty-third Annual Christmas Bird Count, December 16th, 2013

21 ruffed grouse
20 dark-eyed junco
293 black-capped chickadee
5 chestnut-backed chickadee
16 red-breasted nuthatch
2 golden-crowned kinglet
4 black-billed magpie
16 hairy woodpecker
32 downy woodpecker
2 pileated woodpecker
7 northern flicker
12 Eurasian collared dove
2 common redpoll
124 pine siskin
24 snow bunting
86 common raven
67 American crow
3 bald eagle
3 northern shrike
3 Brewer’s blackbird
1 European starling
160 Bohemian waxwing
1 varied thrush
2 northern hawk owl
1 short-eared owl
6 rough-legged hawk
1 red-tailed hawk
1 American dipper
60 mallard
3 sp goldeneye
8 pine grosbeak (count week)
1 fox sparrow (count week)
1 Cassin’s finch (count week)

33 species
938 birds

Field: Glen Stanley and Daniel Warner, Elsie Stanley, Elaine Gillette, Eunice Wentz

Walk 5 km, ski 10 km, drive 160 km Hours: 24

Yard: Fern Sansom, Anna Christison, Janet O’Lennick, Marilyn Wheeler, Terri Spangler, Mary Kohn, Ruth Desormeau, Irene Twiss, Marc Vondergonna, Joette Starchuk, Marg Karraghan, Barb McFarland, Rose Elliott, Tovi Thiel, Bryan Monroe, Mike Monroe, Roger Wiltsie, Dave Marchant, Jan Gibbs, Marlene Caron

Temp 2+C snow 0 – 30 cm, some open field, light wind at times, overcast.