By Andrea Arnold 

Acting Deputy Mayor Peter Caputo called the Sept 26th McBride Council meeting to order at 7:00pm. All members of council as well as the CAO were present via Zoom. 

Protocol feedback request

Mayor Runtz requested he take on the role to provide input for the Draft Carbon Capture and Sequestration Offset Protocol. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy is asking for feedback and perspectives to ensure that the application of the final protocol is practical for all those affected. Mayor Runtz said he would endeavor to get information to Council as soon as it becomes available to him.” 

Call for input 

Council decided to strike the next item off the agenda after a brief discussion. Danielle Wiess, Director Transportation Initiatives contacted the village in regards to zero emission medium and heavy duty vehicles (MHDV) Education and Awareness Initiative NRCan Funding Application. This education and awareness project will focus on building capacity, knowledge, and understanding of these vehicles over the next two years. Interim CAO Leslie Groulx said that she believes the village staff does not have the capacity to take on the project. 

Yellow Ribbon Campaign support 

Council passed the motion directing staff to follow up with the MInistry and the local RCMP Detachment for an update as to the status of implementation for “Yellow Ribbon Campaign” throughout the Robson Valley and rural and remote sections of the province. This motion came following a letter from McBride District Volunteer Fire Department Chief Dave Hruby. He said that the issue of repeat call outs for First Responders is a real problem and by widely implementing the yellow ribbon/ all clear tape initiative, he feels they can make a difference. Following the 2022 UBCM conference where a resolution was submitted regarding the issue, the province responded, saying that the ministry would ask RCMP “E” Division Headquarters for more information on the initiative that has been started by the Robson Valley First Responders. However, Hruby says that they have not heard very much or seen any movement in regards to the motion presented last year. He asked the council to follow up. Councillor Joe Kolida said that they did bring up the topic at UBCM this year, and that they would keep working on it. Bylaws 

Council moved to give first and second reading to both the Business Licence Bylaw Amendment No. 827, 2023 and Sign Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No 819,2023. Both of these bylaws have to have adjustments made to them following the adoption of the cannabis retail business license and signage. The changes were proposed by McElhanney planners Kevin Brooks and Makayla Berger following the zoning bylaw change to allow cannabis retail establishments. These changes will ensure that proper protocols are followed in regards to signs and business licenses that may follow.

New truck purchase 

Council authorized staff to find a “¾ – one tonne pickup truck for between $45,000 and $60,000 inclusive of taxes and that a staff report be brought back to a future council meeting with the addition of what can be used to purchase a hybrid model. Main Street closure Council authorized the closure of Main Street between SW Frontage and Highway 16 to help insure safety for those working on the section of the street adjacent to the old Chevron fuel station. 

In camera

Council moved to an in-Camera following a 7:18pm adjournment of the regular meeting to discuss matters of the Community Charter related to: Section 90 (1): (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; and (c) Labour Relations or other employee relations.