By Laura Keil
Thick wildfire smoke blanketing the region is expected to clear by tomorrow, Sept. 15th, 2020 only to return later that evening according to the firesmoke.ca forecast Monday afternoon.
Prince George Fire Centre Communications person Rachel Windsor said Sept 14th there were no wildfires in the Prince George Fire Centre adding to the smoke, which is drifting north from fires in the U.S. including Washington, Oregon and California. There are also several wildfires burning in B.C.’s Kootenays but the smoke from those appears to be drifting east, not north.
Particulate matter rose to 83 ppm in Valemount on Sunday with a 24-hour average of roughly 43ppm by Monday morning. In B.C. the province aims to have a PPM no higher than 25ppm averaged over 24 hours. See current air quality readings here.