The Canoe Hot Springs lake, with steam rising (near south vent) – Canoe River Valley, near Valemount, BC February 1969 – Art Carson photo
View down the Canoe River from Ralph Lebans’ bridge – near Canoe Hot Springs, Canoe Valley s. of Valemount, BC September 1969 – Art Carson photo
View towards the hot springs from the Lebans camp, shortly before the valley was flooded.
Gordon & Lynne in canoe on the Canoe River, with reservoir slash – Bulldog Creek area, Canoe Valley, BC August 1972 – Art Carson photo
Fulton McKirdy
Sign posted in 1973
McBride residents, David and Jen L’Arrivee hosted another weekend of sheep dog trials on their property just outside of town. Competitors camped onsite and enjoyed a weekend of great competition. Although the weather was unpredictable, all competitors, human and canine, seemed to enjoy the event. /ANDREA ARNOLD
Isis Hiroe soaking in the hot springs in April 2019. / COURTESY MIWA HIROE, ART CARSON, RENE NUNWEILER & McKIRDY FAMILY
3-year-old Mirai takes in the natural hot springs south of Valemount that have been enjoyed by her family for 100 years, including long before the valley was flooded. The reservoir created by the Columbia River Treaty submerged the hot springs at high water and left behind ghostly cedar stumps. But locals continue to seek out the elusive hot water in an ever-changing landscape.
Above: McKirdy family siblings and cousins at the site of the hot springs and small lake in the late 1960’s. Bottom of page: Fulton McKirdy had a trapline in the vicinity of the hot springs; Sign beside the Canoe Valley Road, 1973; Art Carson at the hot spring 1969.