By Andru McCracken

A friendly beaver is driving traffic to the Riverside Restaurant in Tete Jaune. For good reason: how often do regular folks get to see a beaver at work? /ANDRU MCCRACKEN

A video of a beaver carrying a poplar sapling on the shores of the Fraser River is driving traffic to the Riverside Restaurant in Tete Jaune according to Bill Tarkanen, the restaurant’s chef.”  Visitors to the area caught the beaver on camera which walked right past them. The video has over 5,000 views and provides a very clear view of a healthy, sleek beaver in natural habitat seemingly oblivious to nearby campers.

At the end of the video, it pans up to restaurant-goers across the Fraser gathered on the balcony to watch.

Apparently, people are keen to see the beaver in action.

Tarkanen said, “It’s been crazy.”

The video was filmed by PopMedia, a Prince George based marketing company. They were in the valley working on promotions for the Robson Valley Region program.