by Goat Staff

Mayor Jeannette Townsend and Councillors Hollie Blanchette, Peter Reimer, Sandy Salt and Owen Torgerson, met on April 10, 2018 for the regular Council meeting. Chief Administrative Officer Adam Davey and Administrative Assistant / Planner-2 Megan Vicente were the staff present. Columbia Basin Trust’s Manager for Community Relations North Lynda Lafleur was present at the meeting.
Honouring lives lost in Humboldt Broncos Tragedy
The mayor asked everyone present to stand silent for a minute to remember the 15 lives lost in the bus-truck crash in Saskatchewan.
Council did not do due diligence: Affordable Rentals Society
VARS sent another letter to Council commenting on council’s role after the CBT committee’s decision to deny funding. VARS Director Bruce Wilkinson felt that council did not do due diligence because their previous letter at the last council wasn’t discussed before they made recommendations on the CBT Community Initiatives’ funding. He claimed that councillor Blanchette had not read the letter before commenting at the previous meeting. Wilkinson hoped that Council would recognize the efforts of the society and cooperate with it in the future. Councillor Reimer commented that the society’s concerns were seen and considered at the last meeting. He did not see Council’s role as adjudicator as to what discussion went on during the committee meetings. Councillor Salt said that the CBT Community Initiatives Grant has a process with timelines and the onus lies on the applicants to provide the information to the committee in a timely manner.
Valemount Airport Expansion Concerns
Council received a letter sent to staff from Kevin Mageau, a resident on Buffalo Road in Tete Jaune, expressing concerns about the airport expansion plans. He feels that Valemount is well served by highway and did not need the airport. The expansion would cause air and noise pollution as well as impact the natural beauty and tranquility that people in the area value. It would also infringe the riparian corridor and reduce the quality of habitat for both wildlife and recreational users. Mageau suggested an alternate runway expansion to mitigate some of these issues.
Funding for VARDA
CBT’s Recreation Infrastructure Grant stream approved $46,450 in funding to Valemount & Area Recreation Development Association to construct new trails in the Valemount Bike Park trail system, including an adaptive mountain bike trail.
Valemount Community Forest restructuring
Council approved that staff instruct Lidstone & Co. to send the Valemount Community Forest’s restructuring documentation to the Inspector of Municipalities to begin the provincial approval process. Councillors currently sitting on VCF’s board would have to relinquish positions in order to finalize the operational separation between VCF and the Village.
Five Year Financial Plan
Council gave first and second reading to Valemount’s Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw 782, 2018.
Respect for lives lost in Saskatchewan
Council agreed to fly the Village’s flag at half-mast on April 11 as a mark of respect for the Humboldt Broncos’ team losses in the accident. The motion came from Councillor Torgerson.
Council Reports
Councillor Reimer attended the April 3 budget meeting. He also brought the Inukshuk he received as a landmark for 25 years of service as a notary public in BC. He was sharing the landmark as a reminder of our dependence on each other and to build stronger relationships.
Councillor Blanchette attended the CBT Committee’s wrap meeting, budget meeting, Robson Valley Support society meeting as well as Children & Youth Mental Health committee meeting.
Councillor Salt attended the village’s budget meeting, Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway Association’s AGM where she received an award.
Councillor Torgerson attended a Tourism Valemount meeting, budget meeting, Valemount Community Forest’s Open House about restructuring the company. He mentioned that VARDA’s Curtis Pawliuk received recognition as Snowmobiler of the Year for promoting safety and awareness in the backcountry.
Mayor Townsend attended the Burn It Smart workshop, CBT Committee’s wrap up meeting, budget meeting as well as Valemount Community Forest’s Open House.
CAO leaving
The mayor also thanked CAO Adam Davey for his service to the Village of Valemount as this was his last council meeting. She wished him the best for his future.
Public Comments
There were none.
In Camera Items
Council closed the public portion of the council meeting to discuss four in-camera items related to labour / employee relations (2) and negotiations and discussions related to a proposed provision of a municipal service (2).