Photos: Laura Keil
Photos: Laura Keil


Parents and younger siblings arrived early at the Valemount Elementary gymnasium for the big show. Countless pounds of makeup, costumes, and fake hair were about to present.

Parents swapped stories of their Halloween battles – died green hands, torn fabric, red-eye costume design sessions. Rows of children entered the gym and parents sat up straighter to catch sight of their child.

Photos: Laura Keil

Characters from Star Wars, Dr. Seuss and superhero tales marched past. Inflatable costumes whirred from invisible fans.

The children joined the whirlpool of colour and character, the one day a year when they can be anything they want. RCMP Sgt. Darren Woroshelo spoke to the kids about safety on Halloween.

Photos: Laura Keil
Photos: Laura Keil

Then Principal Priscilla Prosser handed out prizes for pumpkin carving and costumes in each grade. At the high school, students built a haunted house for the younger children.