by EVAN MATTHEWS, editor

While the snow is a little bit early this year, and maybe a bit too early for some, there is a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Valemount has really started to feel like home, and I truly am thankful to have been introduced to this diverse little community.

In my time here, I’ve started to realize this community has a lot of passion in everything it participates in.

Whether it’s something as progressive and calculated as geothermal energy, as innovative and (potentially) economically beneficial as a brand new ski resort, or as simple and enjoyable as a walk around the marsh, there are so many people who make this community what it is.

As Valemount Glacier Destinations Resort moves toward construction, and more people begin to realize the opportunity available in this Valley, it’s impossible to foresee the changes that lie ahead.

But I choose to believe they are positive changes. Economic benefit is one thing, but the pulse and energy that a ski resort will bring ” I truly believe it will bring so much good to this Village.

We see hope and innovation in the local business like Three Ranges Brewery, The Gathering Tree and Infinity Office and Health, among others, and the pride each business’s customers have in going to them each and every time.

I’ve started getting to know so many good people around The Robson Valley, and hope, optimism, innovation and overall happiness rings true on so many occasions.

At the same time, at times, it can be easy to get down, angry and even divided as a community on controversial issues that pertain to the future of the Village.

But again, I’m thankful that we have an opportunity to talk about the issues, and really create discussion about topics that make this community better in so many ways.

Sometimes it takes time for an entire community to get on the same page, if it happens at all. But it’s encouraging to listen to each other’s point of view.

One thing we can safely say about Valemount is that people are typically willing to express their views and ideas, which is an amazing thing.

It’s unlikely everyone in the Village will agree with one specific point of view, but in sharing it, the community gets a chance to discuss the topic and how it can be approached together, as one.

Education is our most important tool, and debates in public forum can become heated. If we can continue to provoke thoughtful, educated conversations, our community can continue to grow together with better understanding of every issue thrown its way.

I truly hope our audience understands the goal of The Goat is to provoke critical thought and discussion about the subjects affecting our Village, and our entire team is thankful for the opportunity to try and do that every week.

I look forward to continue watching this community grow and progress, as an entity, and to see what change comes our way.

Happy Thanksgiving.