by Andru McCracken

The southwest aspect of a gas station facility proposed for 1400 17th Avenue. The project is on the east side of Highway 16, one block north of the Best Western. /VALEMOUNT COUNCIL AGENDA

A Red Deer based company, Emerald Developments, is proposing a new gas station and convenience store for the south end of Valemount at 1400 17th Avenue near Highway 5. The land is designated as Highway Tourist Commercial in the Official Community Plan.

Vehicles would access the building from 17th Avenue. The plan includes a new frontage road parallel to the highway, also accessed from 17th Avenue.

The proposed design features a fireplace in a coffee den in the convenience store, as well as two adjacent commercial rental units to the north of the building.

According to a Village report, a zoning variance is needed as the proposed building about 6000 square feet, substantially more than the limit of 1800 square feet.

“In staff’s opinion this is a suitable development for this site and should be encouraged.”

The drawings reveal another future building on the northern edge of the property, but its use isn’t clear from the schematics. The developer couldn’t be reached for comment before publication.