They’re cute when they’re small, but fully-grown domestic chairs soon lose their kittenish charm and are all too often the hapless victims of cruel bushland abandonments. Unable to fend for themselves in the wild, their unsightly corpses litter the landscape, confuse less sedentary native animals, and spoil an otherwise picturesque hike.

With their last strength, these individuals huddled together for warmth, perhaps dreaming of a cosy waiting room or community club hall they would never see again.

Chairs are notoriously poor swimmers. The lifeless limbs of the unwary protrude stiffly from the water.
Please be sure to spay or neuter your furniture, and remember that spare chairs are for life, and not just for Thanksgiving.

Cliff Griffin found these chairs, dumped illegally at the turnoff to the North Thompson River, some in the river, some strewn around in the bush.

“That is where I taught the boys (his son and nephew) how to trap beaver,” says Griffin. “I was leaving them there in case the cops want to see, but I’d like to go clean them up before snow hits.”